Triangle Congruence- Old Maid Game

Triangle congruence is always a topic in which my students feel like they are learning through dry memorization. This year, I decided to take a Delta Math worksheet and add a fun twist to create an Old Maid card game featuring the 5 triangle congruence conditions – SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, and HL. In this game, students will practice identifying valid triangle congruence conditions while learning to avoid the “Old Maid” card that features SSA – a non-congruence condition. 

This game fosters a collaborative, interactive environment where students discuss and clarify their understanding of congruence theorems. Students especially love to catch their classmates accidentally pairing cards that don’t fall under the same congruence condition! After playing a few rounds, students will have a much clearer grasp of SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, and HL – as well as why SSA does not belong. 

Old Maid Triangle Congruence Game


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